The “Havocrel Hunter” title is awarded for completing the “Bane of the Havocrel” achievement.
The “Hero of Fargrave” title is awarded for completing the “Hero of Fargrave” achievement.
The “Sunforge Patina” Dye is obtained by completing the “Hero of Fargrave” Achievement.
The Dremnaken Runt pet is awarded for completing the “Hope Springs Eternal” quest.
Godgrave Soullatice Face and Body Markings are acquired as a reward for completing the quest “Against All Hope”.
The Oblivion Explorer’s Outfit is acquired as a reward for completing “The Durance Vile” quest.
The Incarnate Illusion Gem memento is obtained by earning the “Hopeful Rescuer” achievement.
The Ironclad Sarcoshroud hat can be found as an Antiquity in the Deadlands.
The Oblivion Explorer’s Headwrap is earned by obtaining the “Welcome to the Deadlands” achievement.
The Spaulder of Ruin outfit style can be found as an Antiquity in the Deadlands.
Obtain new Item Sets found only in the Deadlands, as described below, and new Outfit and Housing rewards for completing select achievements and quest content throughout the zone.
Complete the zone stories in both the Blackwood Chapter and The Deadlands DLC to unlock a bonus questline-the final confrontation with Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction!.
In addition to the Deadlands, mingle with the many denizens of Oblivion in the city of Fargrave!.
The Deadlands includes an exciting zone story, 2 new Delves, 2 powerful World Bosses, and new wandering Executioner bosses to show the ferocity of Mehrunes Dagon’s domain.
ESO The Deadlads Update – Patch Notes 7.2.5 Table of Content